TAP Corporate Homepage
Earn balance
How do I earn Corporate balance?
Once your registration is complete, you will be assigned a company identification code (e.g. CI123: CI - programme ID; X - country ID; 123 - company code).
It will be through the company identification code that we will account for the trips of your company.
This procedure applies to bookings made directly with TAP or through your travel agency and acquired in the country where you are registered in the programme.
From there, all tickets purchased and flown by your employees at TAP and TAP Express will be credited to your company account.
How is the balance calculated?
The accumulation of the Corporate Balance is calculated based on the value of the Fare and Airline surcharge (YQ). Example: Corporate Balance = (Fare+Airline surcharge) x % TAP Product
Each TAP Fare has an associated percentage.
Status TAP Corporate:
Discount 0,5%;
Basic 1%;
Classic 2%;
Plus 3%;
Executive 2%;
Top Executive 3%.
Status TAP Corporate Classic:
Discount 0,5%;
Basic 2%;
Classic 3%;
Plus 4%;
Executive 3%;
Top Executive 4%.
Status TAP Corporate Plus:
Discount 0,5%;
Basic 3%;
Classic 4%;
Plus 5%;
Executive 4%;
Top Executive 5%.
How to use the CI Code?
If you purchase your tickets through a travel agent, your CI Code must be inserted into the OSI booking as follows:
Example: CIP123
Amadeus: OSTP CP/CIP123
Galileo: SI.TP*CP/CIP123
Sabre: 3OSI TP CP/CIP123
Apollo: @:3OSITP CP/CIP123
Worldspan: 3OSI TP CP/CIP123
Should you choose to purchase through flytap.com, the CI Code must be included in the “Booking Passenger Details” tab in the “Corporate programmes” field.
The CI Code is entered automatically on purchases made through tapcorporate.com.
By using balance, will my company accumulate corresponding balance?
Accumulation happens over the amount paid for the fare and the airline surcharge (YQ). If you used the Accumulated Balance to pay for these amounts in total, you will not accumulate anything. If you partially paid, you will be entitled to accumulate Balance on the portion that you paid.
How long does it take for the TAP Corporate balance to be credited?
The TAP Corporate balance is credited based on what is actually flown. This will be credited to the company account in 72 hours after the flight has been made.
How long does TAP Corporate balance last?
Your TAP Corporate balance is valid for two years from the end of the month in which it was credited to your company account.
After reading my account statement, I see that there are trips that have not been credited to my account. How do I proceed?
In the case of a claim for unaccounted balance, you should make the claim in your account. Within your personal area, you will find a form where you can file the claim online. Please note that the complaint will be accepted within a maximum period of 6 months from the original date of the trip.
How can I check my TAP Corporate balance?
You can check your TAP Corporate balance in the My Corporate menu and then the Balances & Movements option. Here you can see not only the list of the accumulated balance, but also the movements made in your account.
Can I accumulate TAP Corporate balance in all issued tickets?
TAP Corporate balance is only earned with TAP tickets (047) and for travel with TAP (flights on TAP or TAP Express aircraft). Will be considered for TAP Corporate balance accumulation the tickets issued in which markets TAP program TAP Corporate is implemented.